You just made your last payment on your 2009 Honda CRV and its got 100,000 miles so you try to save a few bucks and you dropped collision coverage. The next day, you come out to get in your car and it's been side-swiped and it's no longer drivable. Talk about bad luck! You weren't even driving it??? You are gonna lose your car now because you can't afford to fix your car, it will cost thousands of dollars. What will you do?
Whatever you do, don't commit insurance fraud. The temptation to call your insurance company and reinstate your collision coverage will cross your mind – don't do this! Its illegal and there are stiff penalties including jail time for committing insurance fraud.
Take a look at the trends for insurance fraud by clicking here...
Don't commit insurance fraud, you can sell your wrecked vehicle and get some cash for a new car. In fact, your wrecked vehicle is probably worth a whole lot more than you think it is! Selling a damaged vehicle is easy if you call DamageMAX. DamageMAX, pays the MAX for any wrecked, damaged or inoperable vehicle. We go anywhere and if we buy your vehicle, we will tow it away for free!
If you dropped your insurance coverage and your car has been in an accident, call damageMAX.com for immediate cash for your damaged vehicle. We buy any car, anywhere!
Call (888) 629-2137 or visit www.damagemax.com for an instant, no hassle cash offer on your vehicle.
DamageMAX pays the MAX and we heart any competitive offer.