Here is a great article by CNN that addresses how the Top 2 insurance companies treat claimants with respect to compensation for particular types of injuries.
This type of Machiavellian behavior is not limited to injury claims. DamageMAX talks to hundreds of customers each month that receive similar treatment with respect to collision repair reimbursement and total loss settlements. It's basically a "take it or leave it" attitude.
Insurance companies will typically lead the claimant through a very regimented process. This process if foreign to the policy holder and there is a general tendency to "follow" and trust the claims handler. "Don't expect to get paid what's fair, you will get paid what you negotiate" states Michael Lasini, Founder of DamageMAX.com. "Insurance carriers will oil the squeaky wheels and if you behave like a sheep in their process, you will be lead to slaughter". The key to getting a fair settlement after an accident is to do your homework, leverage all resources and let your insurance adjuster know you are well-informed. Always ask questions, document all discussions and get back up for what your are told. If the adjuster presents a total loss settlement figure, tell him/her that you want to see the complete market analysis. If it came from Mitchell, then request a comparable analysis from CCC and Audatex and compare those figures to NADA Average Retail. Guidebooks don't write checks for cars, they never will. They are simply a resource and they don't guarantee the figures they publish.
DamageMAX is the leading buyer of damaged cars, trucks and equipment in the USA. We do not charge for price quotes or advice and our knowledgeable and courteous staff is ready to assist.
For more information or to speak to a live agent please call (888) 629-2137.