You just had a fender bender and the good news is everybody's okay. The bad news is that your insurance company came up with an estimate of $3800 to fix your vehicle. $3800??? You can't believe it's that much to fix the car because it still drives great – even after the accident. The airbags didn't even go off, it just looks pretty ugly and you don't want to be seen driving around in it a wrecked car. Sounds unbelievable right? Wrong! This happens every day, almost 70,000 times per day to other people. Half of them will not get insurance reimbursement and the other half will have no say in what happens. We total any car, even if your insurance carrier won't! Let's face it, $3800 in damage is probably not enough damage to total a late model vehicle and the insurance company will be forced to repair it which turns out to be your loss & their loss. What makes matter worse is that you will be going into your wallet for the heavy deductible you opted for to save a few bucks on your monthly insurance bill. Plus, you are going to be without a vehicle for a few weeks while the car is repaired and you have no rental reimbursement as part of your coverage. Is there a better alternative? YES! We Total Any Car at DamageMAX.com and we make it fast and easy. DamageMAX.com gives you the power of choice and an alternative not available to you through any insurance company. We Total Any Car by buying your wrecked vehicle on the spot, as-is, where-is and we pay to tow it away. DamageMAX.com will total any car, anywhere. Make it easy on your self and call DamageMAX.com and we will total your wrecked car or wrecked truck on the spot.
Call (888) 629-2137 or visit www.damagemax.com for an immediate cash offer for your wrecked car or truck.